Rabu, 21 November 2012

Maratua. Exotic Beaches in Sulawesi

Indonesian coastline is endowed with a very wide range of different beaches, It makes the rich in Indonesia over the beach and a must-see. One is Maratua Beach, beach is located in Sulawesi has an amazing underwater beauty. With different kinds of living creatures that live in a particular area. This makes the view of the beach underwater Maratua like royal house reef fish with a sturdy and beautiful. For those of you who enjoyed the sport of diving, beach Maratua shall be my recommendation as a place that should be visited. Supply diving equipment that meets international standards makes tourists who want to dive not to worry. With safe equipment you will feel comfortable in the water to see the variety of aquatic animals that live there. The beach is also often the place marine researchers are developing here. Diversity penelitu interesting animals to come. Some animals that live and was almost extinct still be found on this beach. Since the preservation of natural resources under the sea that makes marine fish or other animals feel at home to stay. Besides the awareness of local people who keep well even conserve coral reef sustainability is a major factor in underwater life Maratua Sulawesi.
With the condition of coral reefs underwater makes good Maratua Sulawesi coast is rich with fish. Maybe those of you who like fishing should and must try to pull of a big fish seabed dwellers. It will be a challenge view of hobby fishing will get the thrill of pulling big fish in the sea. There may be surprised at some of the things that will happen when you are fishing in the Sulawesi Sea. With facilities such as fast boats that are available will make it easier for you. And You are currently visiting with the family not to worry because they had no place to live, as along the coast of Sulawesi Maratua hotel or lodging are provided. By paying your rent and your family will enjoy the facilities and service of a five star hotel. There are also rental place sled, the sled like the sport do not need to take the board out of the house because it was available. This is very beneficial and helps you because it is very practical
Lots of young people or students from other cities who come to the beach Maratua to conserve coral reefs. This method proved to be very effective to increase the number of coral reefs and coral reef regeneration in the elderly. For tourists who want to participate in the preservation and conservation of coral reefs can come right around the coast. Agenda not be collected due to the cost of the initiative of the community and young people who are very concerned with the environment or habitat of fish life. Maratua beach location on the island of Sulawesi, which is very easy to reach. The place is not far from the city center makes you not difficult to get to the beach. With good road access already will give comfort to your journey. Welcome to visit and enjoy the beauty of the beach Maratua in Sulawesi.

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