Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Eating From Fruit Jackfruit, Sweet of Wijilan Yogyakarta

This post will discuss which foods derived from Yogyakarta. Maybe for the Java familiar with the name Gudeg Jogja. But for those of you who are people who are outside of Java may be very familiar with the eating of the fruit Jackfruit has a sweet taste and is the typical food of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region. Gudeg, is derived from fruit eating Jackfruit has a sweet taste and dark red is delicious eaten as breakfast or morning. The structure of rough but soft food a food shall be served when there are events at the palace jogja.
Unique ways of processing and using materials - materials of this nature into food is healthy and safe to eat, even without dyes and preservatives though. The red color is obtained from the leaves of the teak used as base or lid while cooking. Teak leaves with red sap makes the color of the fruit Jackfruit is a dark red and healthy. While the structure of jackfruit pulp that was once hard and tough to be tender is derived from coconut milk cooked until dry. Long time will also influence the tenderness of the meat being cooked jackfruit.
Unique ways of processing and using materials - materials of this nature into food is healthy and safe to eat, even without dyes and preservatives though. The red color is obtained from the leaves of the teak used as base or lid while cooking. Teak leaves with red sap makes the color of the fruit Jackfruit is a dark red and healthy. While the structure of jackfruit pulp that was once hard and tough to be tender is derived from coconut milk cooked until dry. Long time will also influence the tenderness of the meat being cooked jackfruit.
His native city of Yogyakarta so many sellers Gudeg with roadside stalls or diemperan Lesbian malioboro the downtown jogja. For those of you who want to taste the delicious dishes of Jogja no need to laboriously because almost every street there that sells rice warm. You who love entertainment, usually in Malioboro street vendors Gudeg also provide "Live Music", so that you feel different sensations with musical accompaniment eat directly. With the affordable price will indulge with a lot of choices. When you berkunjug to Yogyakarta obliged to taste.  

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